It's OVER! 

Last night (6/22/21) after hearing from the developer and 20-30 citizens, the city council of Plymouth, MN voted by a 5-2 margin to APPROVE the motion to Reguide and ReZone the former Hollydale Golf Course to Residential Housing. 

This brings an END to the end for this blog - and I will be removing it shortly - but first and foremost I want to thank the residents of the city of Plymouth who supported the redevelopment effort and told the City Council that fighting a losing lawsuit is not a wise use of city tax dollars. 

The number of half truths and outright false information that was being pushed by the "save hollydale" crowd was amazing.  And now they are turning their children lose against the developer's workers - have them physically assault workers, destroy construction equipment and vandalize the site. 


Some of misinformation that was spread: 

1. Water issues will get worse - not better - FALSE. The developer is going to install more holding ponds and wetland buffers - they will also work with homeowners to reduce drainage issues.  Plus houses use a LOT less water than a golf course. 

2. A valid offer was made to keep the property a golf course.  FALSE.  One of the members of the Hollydale Neighborhood made a $1.4 million offer for the property as a golf course.  This is 24 million LESS than the market value. Not only was it not "fair" it was an insult. 

3. The lawsuit against the city was weak and a veiled attempt at blackmail.  FALSE.  The lawsuit was reviewed by the judiciary and determined to have merit and be valid. In a prior case deciding the same 3 elements that the Hollydale vs Plymouth suit would have addressed, the MN supreme court ruled for the city on one of three tenants, for the developer on the second and DID NOT RULE on the third, but strongly hinted that if the parties could not reach agreement they would have ruled FOR THE PLAINTIFF.  Had the lawsuit proceeded, the city likely would have LOST and been forced to purchase the land for market price ($30 million plus) and Pay legal fees. 
